I just returned From Houston Texas where I was saturated with art inspiration.  The time away was filled with good friends, spring green, beautiful flowers and inspiring art. After an intense Christmas season making art it was good to get away and find new inspiration and art for my soul. 

The two artists listed below, Fernando Lorenzo and Rene Wiley both make art that caught my eye and brought me new inspiration. Their use of color is bright and filled with joy and have the power to lift the  spirit. You can see more of their work by clicking these links. Rene Wiley Paintings, Fernando Lorenzo paintings



Flowers and Green Vegetation

Garzania garden flower


A beautiful garden filled with spring buds and flowers.


Artists and their work.

My friend Leslie Mims creating her delicious sweet treats for Valentines day.

sugar cookies

Yummy cookies and chocolate covered strawberries for the grandchildren.

= Fernando Lorenzo

              Fernando Lorenzo  Casa Ramerez Gallery Houston TX

His use of bright colors and simple forms were both art inspiring and imaginative. 

folk art for sale,

Rene Wiley Gallery and Shore Birds painting.

decorative painting, shore birds, abstract, oil painting

Rene Wiley is a prolific painter and has captured the soul of Galveston TX. Her paintings of buildings, boat, birds and objects are highly sought after by collectors all over the world. I’m saving my pennies for one of her paintings. 


Muscovy Duck I met in the neighborhood.

Galveston shore bird painting.

 Galveston beach birds.

Galveston Grackles with a loan pigeon

When I returned to Helena and picked up Mr. Archie from the Vet I was amazed to see him in the room across from the front door to the clinic. Needless to say I had a good laugh and he recognized me right away. Such love. The staff had given Archie a room of his own in the reception area where he could watch people and animals come and go. He entertained everyone with his singing and good looks. They thought he needed a new royal title.

Archibald Harrison Mountbatten – Windsor – White 

Grand Duke Of Exam 3


I started the 2020 Easter Eggs while I was in Houston.

I will be posting them on my website in a week so Stay Tuned.