Have you been challenged to search new ways of connecting with others these last 60 days?

I’m sure the answer to that question is, more ways than you can count!


Walking in my neighborhood saying hello.

One of the many challenges for me during this time of sheltering in place has been thinking about how to connect with others. Staying at home working is normal for me. I am an introvert by nature. Spending long periods of time being alone creating is what energizes me. However staying in place at home made me realize how much I took connecting with other people for granted. I have been forced to find new avenues in which to connect with others. Even an introvert needs to be with people to survive. Here is a short list of 3 helpful ways that I have found to connect with folks.

  1. Getting To Know My Neighbors.  Each day as I walk in my neighborhood I make it a point to stop and say hello to those who are out working in their yards. Not long but long enough to share a smile, a concern and always a little weather talk. It seems people are more out going and receptive to engage in conversation than before. 
  2. Using The Phone and Zoom. Before shelter in place texting had become the avenue I most often stayed in touch with people. It was easy and less time consuming for me. Now I try to call by phone especially those who may be more house bound than I am. Hearing a voice is often more of a gift than we know. I have also learned how to use the app Zoom. It is a great way to see and talk with folks far away. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed using this technology. For me Zooming is certainly more satisfying than texting. 
  3. Sending Cards.  Writing a short note inside a card is always rewarding to the receiver as well as for the sender. I know whenever I receive a note in the mail I am always surprised because it is so rare. It certainly brightens my day to be on the receiving end. I call it the secret weapon of surprise and wonder. It is amazing how easily we have forgotten the power of writing has to brighten someones day. 


Just writing to say hello and sending you my love.


Those are 3 helpful ways tI have learned or relearned to stay connected with people. I’d love to hear about one of your challenges in the comment box below. Go on leave a comment, don’t be shy. 🙂

I have a new video on Youtube showing you how I make my greeting cards. You may find it helpful if you would like to make your own cards. I would love for you to see this short presentation. The video link is down below.  Please subscribe to my Youtube channel to keep up to dated on my latest videos.

All occasion blank greeting flower cards

You can purchase my flower or bird cards at my online shop.  UrbanPastures Art Greeting Cards. These are all occasion greeting cards and very affordable.

Greeting Card Video

Stay well and stay connected with those you love and care for and along the way make new acquaintances.
