Are You thinking outside the box?

The Jersey Shore Bird

Not your typical Jersey gal.

The New Year has begun and it seems so natural to look forward with expectations and hope for the year ahead. However being we are all still living during a pandemic life on some days feels confined, blah and restricted. One of my biggest challenges is to think outside the box when it comes to finding activities that are outside my usual routine.  Like many of you I miss seeing family and friends, going on a vacation or enjoying a meal out. With many of those options not available it has been a challenge to find new activities. Creating art is always challenging and thought provoking and fun. However too much art making can actually stifle ones imagination and creativity. Variety is indeed the spice of life. 

The two abstract paintings below are my latest paintings. I used the same colors in both but with different intensities of value. Their compositions are arranged differently and they have a variety of unique shapes that create both harmony and balance. 

Ebb And Flow
This 8 x 10 inch acrylic painting was a special commission.


Harmony And Balance
acrylic 16 x 20 x 1 3/4 inches
See description and details Here

Variety is the condition of harmony. -Thomas Carlyle

The following is a short list of ideas that I came up with as I thought of activities to look forward to in the months ahead. 

Let me know in a reply if you have any to add to the list or if you especially like one of these.


Purchase a bird book and then go out to see if  you can spot any in your neighborhood or nearest wild life area.

Buy some seeds that can be planted this spring to give you flowers all summer.

Take time to write a Haiku or two.

Commit to one short session of playing with art materials, clay, markers, crayons, water colors, clay or paint. Do this out doors in a big city or in a small neighborhood park.

Take a walk without a destination, wandering with curiosity and be mindful of looking for new things.

Plan a short one day trip looking for the best coffee shop or bakery in your area  and enjoy a treat.

Connect with a long time friend you haven’t seen in awhile and ask them how life is going and really listen to their story.

Take time to read a favorite book passage out loud to yourself or someone in your household.

In the days ahead may you think outside your usual box of possibilities,  enjoy the unexpected and laugh often.