A spring rain that delights the soul in inspiration.

On wednesday of this week I was playing around with my camera as a giant rainstorm began to brew over Helena. When I looked outside the sun was partially shinning through the clouds while giant rain drops came pouring down in massive walls of water. I started taking photos, not knowing what I was doing. When I downloaded the images to my computer this beauty appeared. Not in a million years would I get a shot like this if I had planned it out. Needless to say I was beaming with delight and of course I saw this as potential painting inspiration. Some days are just filled with unexpected gifts.


New York Water Tanks

12 x 12 inches

acrylic and ink.

New York Water Tanks is a my most recent commission. Joyce Wheeler of Houston Texas ordered this for her husband Carl as a birthday present. They recently travel to NYC to visit family and were inthralled with all the water tanks on top of many of the city buildings. As a former NYC resident I to am fascinated with these odd but beautiful structures. I remember my first day in New York I just couldn’t stop looking at the tanks. As a native Montanan I had no idea such structures existed. To this day I have a love for the tanks and was thrilled Joyce commissioned this piece. It brought up so many fond memories of the people and places that make up this wonderful city.  Thank you Joyce and Carl and enjoy your new Water Tank painting. Have you ever seen one of these water tanks? Do you know how they are used and why?


Whimsical Spring Flowers

11 x 14

acrylic on canvas.

For details click Here

Meanwhile in my garden art studio I keep playing with paint and new color combinations to create whimsical flower paintings. 

I hope your Spring is beautiful wherever you are.

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