What is it that you long for in your life?


red poppies,painting,</p> <p 9 x 12 inches, spring.

Spring Poppies 

9×12 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

Now there is a big question and one with many possible answers.

I have found myself longing for so much these past few weeks. Beauty, truth, imagination, light, and a renewal of artistic skills and creativity. I think the gray skies we have had in March have put me in this very deep reflective and longing mood. I can’t wait for spring to show its glory in the brilliantly colored flowers that fill the garden outside my studio window. Not to mention the longing I have for creating new and vibrant paintings and exploring new avenues of creativity and growth as a painter. I know that soon I will hit the open roads of Montana to soak myself in this never ending landscape. The mountains, the blue sky, the fresh green on the brown trees and the crystal clear water of the streams are indeed natures handiwork that expand my creativity and sense of wonder. 

Spring Poppies above is the first in my new series of paintings called, Longings. It is now available  under paintings.



Thank you to everyone who purchased some of this years Easter eggs. There are a few eggs left. If you did not get a chance to order any there is still time this week. I also have 2 chicks and a few bunnies who left as well. You can see the details under Chicks and Bunnies